Fourteen Reasons Why Dieting Doesn’t work

Why Dieting Is Bad For Your Health and how Kernesthetics is the key to weight loss & fitness.


  1. The lower the calories eaten per day, the harder it is for you to get your daily requirements of proteins and vitamins.

This is why flexing is the answer rather than deprivation, it addresses the overweight problem from the core of the problem – the metabolism, not the symptoms.


  1.  Dieting makes your body believe it is starving so it starts to save fat, as this is its best way to store energy.

Rapidly changing the routine of what you’ve conditioned your body to expect from your diet is a sure way to throw it even further out of sink. Flexing allows you to keep the same diet but burn more calories as your body adjusts to being clean of the addictions and toxins you have subjected it to over time.


  1. Losing weight means digesting your own body tissues instead of food and unfortunately, dieting does not tell your body what parts it needs to digest or which parts to save.

When your body is out of sink, the normal behavioural triggers are suppressed – Flexing is effective by allowing your body to keep enjoying calories but have the facility to get rid of the excess is the key.


  1. Severe dieting causes muscle loss and if you are unlucky the loss may be from your heart with severe consequences.

Flexing maintains and enhances the muscle, rather than allowing dieting to eat into them. The key to building a great body is ensuring what’s good stays – and fat goes.


  1. Dieting will make you difficult to live with and your family may want to kill you.

Addictions of all types tend to make abstinence the trigger for emotional issues. Dieting accentuates mood swings, especially with carb and sugar addictions.


  1. Dieting changes your body chemistry and one effect may be bad breath.

Denial has a random and unpredictable effect on the mind and body, flexing allows you to manage your recovery from a body and mind that are malfunctioning through addiction.


  1. If you’re a smoker you may smoke even more to dull the hunger pangs.

Addictions are very powerful and closely related, so one bad one may replace another. However, using the addictive side of exercise – endorphins, is a positive step, as pulling a few flexes off relieves tensions and is addictive in its own right.


  1. Binge eating, generally with very unsuitable foods often follows dieting.

There is no need to binge when flexing, as you haven’t denied yourself – you’re just taking steps towards metabolic management.


  1. Dieting makes you food obsessed.

The more you think about a subject the more you open a Neuro pathway to being addicted. Flexing allows you to balance the equation and open the Neuro pathway to a healthy path.


  1. Breaking a diet often results in guilt, poor self esteem and despair often followed by comfort eating.

We want to make losing weigh a positive and progressive experience, that means there is no defeat, just daily levels of success, that amount over time to a better body and metabolic management. This is why flexing is the essential part of the wellness puzzle.


  1. Dieting emphasises food as a reward or compensation – so called ‘comfort eating’ where food is used to cheer us up or because it’s raining we are somehow entitled to eat lots of sweets or cakes.

Flexing releases endorphins, so it replaces the comfort hit of food, with positive progressive feelings of achievement with every flex.


  1. Dieting lowers the base metabolic rate which means you can live on less food, so when you return to your normal food intake which was already too high, you put on weight even faster than before and will probably end up heavier than before the diet.

When you disrupt what your body is used to – by dieting, you’re adding to the imbalance problem. That’s why with flexing we suggest you still eat what you want till the flexing reprograms the metabolism and the negative mental anchors.


  1. Dieting does nothing to teach you to eat healthily. Healthy eating does not mean going hungry.

Over eating is just as bad as under eating, however your body is out of balance and needs to find a way to restore order .. A base line of metabolic behaviour. Flexing allows you to make consistent choices of taking out, rather than focus on what your putting in.


  1. Dieting often causes constipation and this concentrates toxins and carcinogens within the bowels and they are present for a longer period. Fruit and vegetables have a positively beneficial effect on the smooth running of your digestive system.

Your core muscles are designed to support a healthy digestive system, rather than allow your intestine to hang and be impeded by no support. Flexing naturally increases you core strength and thus improves your system in all ways -metabolic, physical and mental.